Kenneth Lee Markle, 44, of Keyser, was charged with 24 counts of nighttime burglary and 74 counts of unauthorized use of a debit card, police said.
Markle was arrested at a North Water Street residence late Monday and granted pre-trial release after posting $15,000 bond, police said.
기사는 44세 케네스 리 마클이 24건의 야간강도와 74건의 불법 카드사용 혐의로 체포되었다는 내용.
2017년 5월 9일 기사, 나이를 44세로 기록하고 있음. (92년 사건당시 20세로 72년생으로 추정.) Keyser 는 웨스트버지니아주의 도시임. (케네스 마클은 출소 후 웨스트버지니아로 돌아간 것으로 알려져 있음.) 정확히 동일인인지 확신할 수는 없으나, 나이와 이름, 소재지는 일치하는 것 같다.
매우 긴 아티클인데, 이곳에서는 2014년에 동일이름과 나이의 남성이 부인을 공격하고 경찰과 대치하다가 경찰에 체포되어, 7년 징역형을 받았다는 기사를 언급하고 있음.
동일 블로그의 이전 포스팅의 댓글에는 자신이 본인이라고 밝히는 댓글이 있음. 물론 진짜인지 확인할 수는 없음. (댓글은 2009년에 쓴 것으로 보임.)
A friend of mine let me know that there were all kinds of interesting things being written about me on this site. I had a little time to waste, so I sat down recently and started reading. And laughing. At first, I was amused. Then it became nearly hysterical. Far too many comments have been made for me to try to respond to each one. Instead, I'll make a few general statements and be done with it. I wasted too much time overseas to spend any more doing this. For the record, I didn't kill ANYONE. I was in the vicinity. Had contact of a non-sexual nature with the young woman and left the area. I do not know who committed the crime. I was identified as being seen with her, was arrested, interrogated and bullied into signing a confession I could not read or understand. Thus, the basis of my conviction. I was 19 years old, scared, alone and helpless. I never had a chance of "proving" anything, let alone my innocence. I've made very little noise about the ordeal since I've returned to the United States. Believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, file lawsuits, get the media involved… Anything to "prove" I didn't do it. What good would it do me now? The 14 years are gone. I can live for the future or let the past kill me. I chose the former. That might not be the right choice, but I took some good advice and chose not to let the past dictate my future. I can sleep at night with my choice. As for all the comments made on this site by "ex's" and other acquaintances, the only one one I'll acknowlege is John Ortega. Yes, he was my room mate in Korea. He was like a brother to me, a truly trusted friend who I still think of occasionally. I appreciate that he even tried to contact me. He was a good man then and, I've no doubt, still is. Hope you are doing well, John. Thanks for coming to see me at Red Cloud and playing Spades through the bars of my cell. I'll never forget it. Onward… Yes, I could post transcripts of my trials on the site. Copies of statements and pictures and just about anything else you folks would want to see. Some of it damaging, some vindicating. Wouldn't matter. The debate would rage. I'm not a "sexual deviant" or a predator. Never had legal trouble before Korea or since. Not a pothead or a woman-beater. I work my ass off to make up for lost time and I'm determined to do it. Some of you call me names, say I should get "the chair" or I'm lucky to be free. Say I manipulate or deceive or…well, I don't need to try to repeat all of it. I don't care what any of you think of me. I did my time, justified or not. All of you with nothing better to do than crucify me should ask yourselves what good you're doing wasting your time on this site. Go to work. Take care of your kids. Do something productive. Be happy that you have the freedom to do it. I know what it's like not to have it. It's miserable.
한국어 웹에서 검색되는 2015년 사진.
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